It was possible to avoid at least 80 percent of premature deaths from heart disease and stroke to avoid heart attack here you can do something in the table
 RoutineRecipes of vegetable Yoga
 low fat, high fiber diet Bottle gourd Pranayama
 Take stairs to say no to the elevator Cinnamon Anulom Vilom
 limiting salt intake to less than one teaspoon/day Terminalia Arjuna tree bark Kapal Bhati

Recipes of Vegetable

Bottle gourd:- Consuming gourd in any type of cardiac disease is good for the heart. Its easy usage is to add green coriander, cumin, turmeric, cinnamon, chili too, and eat gourd vegetables in small quantities. Do not apply olive oil or ghee (tempering). That will increase the power of the heart. First, grind and grind the gourd pieces together with the peel, add 11 basil leaves, 5 mint leaves, and 5 black peppers, and remove the juice and drink 1 cup of water in a cup of juice and drink it every day after eating. Gourd juice is good for heart disease and sickness.
consuming bottle gourd is good for heart disease patient
Bottle gourd
 Cinnamon:-Taking a paste of honey and cinnamon powder does not store cholesterol in the arteries and reduces the risk of heart attacks. People who have had a heart attack before will benefit from doing this remedy, and they will reduce the possibility of another attack.
Cinnamon is good for heart disease
Terminalia Arjuna tree bark:-In addition to eliminating heart disease, such as irregular heartbeat and swelling, Arjun's bark also reduces the risk of stroke. Prepare the same quantity of Arjun bark powder and wild onion for this purpose. Taking half a teaspoon of this powder with milk every day is beneficial to the heart patient. Reducing high blood pressure
The bark of Arjun is very beneficial in removing the problem of high blood pressure. It also reduces the levels of lipid triglycerides by lowering cholesterol. The flow of blood is removed by its use. For this reason, when you boil a teaspoon of Arjun's bark powder in two glasses of water and stay half empty, drink it on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening.
arjuna tree is good for heart
Arjuna tree


Pranayama:-Take Pranava Mudra and close the right nose with the help of the right thumb, and inhale with the left nose and exhale through the same nasal passage. In brief, this type can be described as a quick breath with the left nostril.

Anulom Vilom: Sit comfortably with your spine erect and your shoulders relaxed. Keep a soft smile on your face.
Place your left hand on your left knee, and your palms open to the sky or Chin Mudra (the thumb and index finger gently touching the tips).

Place the tip of the index finger and the middle finger of the right hand between the eyebrows, the ring finger and the little finger on the left nostril. 
And the thumb on the right side of the nose. We use the ring finger and the little finger to open or close the left nose and thumb to the right nose.

Press your thumb down to the right nostril and breathe gently through the left nostril.
Now breathe in from the left nostril, then gently press the left nostril with a ring finger and a little finger. Remove the right thumb from the right nose and breathe out from the right.

Breathe in from the nose to the right and exhale from the left. Now you've finished one round of Nadi Shodhan Pranayama. Continue to inhale and exhale from alternate nostrils.
Total 9 such rounds by breathing alternately through both nostrils. Try to breathe in with every exhalation from the same nostril you were exhaling from. Keep your eyes closed and continue to take long, deep, smooth breaths without any effort or force

Kapal Bhati:-Chair comfortably with a straight spine. Place your hands on the knees, with the palms open to the sky.

Hold in a deep breath. Squeeze your stomach as you exhale. Pull backward your navel towards the spine. Do whatever you can comfortably do. To feel the abdominal muscles contracting, you can keep your right hand on the stomach.

As the navel and abdomen relax, the breath flows automatically into your lungs.

Take 20 of these breaths to finish one round of Kapal Bhati Pranayama.
Relax with your eyes closed after completing the round, and observe the sensations in your body.
Perform another two rounds with Kapal Bhati Pranayama

Engaging in physical activity every day of the week for a minimum of 30 minutes will help to prevent Strikes and heart attacks.
· Hold bodyweight desirable.

· Quit smoking, tobacco, alcohol

μ Reduce consumption of sugar, psychosocial stress

• Check cholesterol and blood pressure regularly

· Reduce risk by blood pressure and blood sugar control